My 2013 internship at KameraPhoto was very eventfull. I got the internship thanks to photographer Pauliana Valente Pimentel (thank you!). Here I met Alexandre Almeida, Augusto Brázio, Céu Guarda, Guillaume Pazat, Martim Ramos, Nelson d'Aires, Sandra Rocha, Valter Vinagre and many other photographers and interesting people.
Walking all day through Lisbon was my favourite activity for many months. I wish I could go back.

Day trip with Lucia, Radka and the Attaché of the Embassy of the Portuguese Republic in the Slovak Republic Francisco Brabo
to Guincho.

Road Trip to Alentejo
with Céu, Luis, Rafael and Lucia. Sheep,sea, wine and oranges straight from a tree.

One day visit to Golegã, home of Carlos Relvas, during a horse market day.

Moon Duo concert in Lisbon. Great evening. Beers and cats on the roofs.

Christmas in Castelo Branco. Diogo invited me to spend Christmas with his family in their house in Castelo Branco. Our car broke down a couple of times before we reached the town and in the end Diogo´s brother had to come rescue us with starting cabels.