We bought a home printer. Mainly for proofs but also small prints and zines. Let me know if you´d like a print/zine.

2025 - January
London with mums

prázdniny u babičky

there, much better...

irving penn photographed skulls in czech national museum in prague in 1986. i was born in 1986. i like irving penn. these are our dog's play bones.

my final project for the documentary photography course with stuart franklin. architectural photography of the strahov stadium in prague mixed with collages i made of historical photographs from events that took place in or near the stadium over its almost hundred year history.

most recently I bought a digital camera. Phone just isn´t good enough

my work on the strahov stadium is moving forward. I think I finally cracked the code

Hermina hurt her leg badly. Seven screws and a metal plate, ten weeks of rest ahead of us. One 8x10 photograph for every day. I try to develop dry and scan the same day, but sometimes I can´t make it.

So 2021 is here. I was really lazy to update my website last year. I hope I´ll manage to put something up at least once a month here.. perhaps I´ll manage quarterly? Finally we have some snow. I like winter. I don´t like being cold, but I like winter and snow. Hermina likes snow too. She loves to eat it and roll in it. She also learned to snatch away the sticks from all the snowmen in the fields, it´s really fun to watch.
Also I started my PhD in October and what really made me happy and excited was being accepted as one of five other students (outside of norway) to the documentary photography online course organized by volda university college. we joined ten norwegian students in this course that is being taught by none other that stuart franklin (magnum photos). the first week is already behind us and i can´t wait for the next lessons to start.

First assignment from stuart: the night. just a couple of photos from the night in prague.

my grandmother died on the 9th of march 2020. these might be the last photos i made.