Five months in the Holyland. Holy Land. Holy Land? More like holy shit. Great times, but also confusion, fear and sometimes rage. Perhaps this land does not belong to anyone? 

Part one: Mobile phone photographs. I have so many. Take your time. Don´t rush it, you might miss an important detail. I am sure there are some. A few. One or two. Hopefully. Maybe.

Part two: Medium Format Jerusalem Mysteria.

My Dead Sea Scrolls. I have some notes and half written pages. Also fading memories. I might write everything down. Or maybe I forget and these pictures will be everything that remains. In that case I might have to go back. That would be something.

A couple of trips to Masada. One to see the sunrise. Camping with friends down in between the dunes. Many stars and many laughs. Hiking up the hill in the darkness. Walk inside the former Roman camps. No coins but one ancient amonite. Heat and dust and sun. Sore feet and thirst. 

© Adam Kencki 2025