First London with our mums. The original mission was to see the great Gabrielle Chanel exhibition at Victoria and Albert Museum, but then we walked througout the musem as well. We accidentally discovered a Hiroshi Sugimoto exhibition at the Hayward gallery, so we went there as well. We walked to the Buckingham Palace and through Hyde Park, had possibly the worst coffee in a small cafe run by very nice people and also the very best coffee at Tate Modern. The exhibition of Contemporary African Photography there was fantastic.
First London with our mums. The original mission was to see the great Gabrielle Chanel exhibition at Victoria and Albert Museum, but then we walked througout the musem as well. We accidentally discovered a Hiroshi Sugimoto exhibition at the Hayward gallery, so we went there as well. We walked to the Buckingham Palace and through Hyde Park, had possibly the worst coffee in a small cafe run by very nice people and also the very best coffee at Tate Modern. The exhibition of Contemporary African Photography there was fantastic.